Culture Starts at the Top: How Your Values Shape Your Company

Company Culture

The culture of an organization can be defined as the shared values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the way people interact within the company. It’s the personality of the organization, and it’s an important aspect of how employees feel about their work, and ultimately, their level of engagement and commitment to the company’s goals. Culture starts at the top, with the values and behaviors of the leadership team.

As Robert Iger, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, said, “As a leader, you are the embodiment of that company. What that means is this: Your values – your sense of integrity and decency and honesty, the way you comport yourself in the world – are a stand-in for the values of the company.”

The values of the leadership team influence the culture of the organization, from the way employees communicate and collaborate to the way they approach challenges and solve problems. A leader who values innovation, creativity, and risk-taking will create a culture that encourages experimentation and supports new ideas. A leader who values transparency, communication, and trust will create a culture where employees feel empowered to speak up, ask questions, and provide feedback.

Culture is not something that can be imposed on an organization from the outside. It’s something that emerges from the shared values and behaviors of the people within the organization. Therefore, it’s important for leaders to be aware of their own values and behaviors, and how those values and behaviors are reflected in the company culture.

Leaders who are committed to creating a positive culture must lead by example. They must embody the values they want to see in the organization and hold themselves accountable for upholding those values. They must communicate those values clearly and consistently, and they must reinforce them through their actions and decisions.

Creating a positive culture takes time, effort, and commitment. It requires a willingness to listen, learn, and adapt. But the rewards are significant: a positive culture can increase employee engagement, improve productivity, and enhance the overall success of the organization.

As a leader, your values are a stand-in for the values of the company. By embodying and prioritizing certain values, leaders create a culture that reflects those beliefs. A positive culture is essential for the success of any organization, and it requires leaders who are committed to leading by example and creating an environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and engaged. If you want to learn more about how your values shape your company’s culture and other crucial investment matters, be sure to register for the 125th GILC Summit. This event will gather dozens of investment leaders from all over the world to share their first-hand experiences and insights. Register at: